Pond Road Closure

The road to the pond is (or is about to be) closed to the public until the road surface is repaired. Until the work takes place, members will have restricted access (at their own risk) using the gate key – details will be sent by email. After the maintenance starts there will be no access to the pond until the road surface has had time to bed down.

Here is the message from the Forestry Commission to the Scale Section Captain:


Hi David

Further to your email. I understand from the Recreation team and Civil Engineering team that they are proposing to close Setley Pond car park to the general public possibly today, providing the caravan has gone, otherwise it will be closed in the next day or so.

I appreciate that this may cause inconvenience to your members, although I am sure they will appreciate the necessity. The team have agreed that as your members do have their own key access, they can if they wish risk using the track until it is reinstated. This is on the understanding that they must lock the barrier immediately after passing through it and ensuring that it is locked when they leave the site. When the work is done by Civil Engineering the site will be closed both to your members and the public and must be left to settle.

As soon as there is an update on the timing for the work we will email you.

Kind regards
Jayne Albery
HLS Verge Restoration Officer
Forestry Commission

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