IOM Winter Race 7 : 14 January 2025

One Meter results Winter Race 7


I would like to thank John once again for all his work as the outgoing IOM class captain. I would also like to thank Phil Ricketts for his invaluable assistance in helping me work my way through the excel score sheet. I saw Phil today and he is looking for a different lightweight scooter and is positive about using it to assist him start sailing again, we are all looking forward to that..

Eight skippers took part in race 7 which was almost cancelled due to a lack of wind. It was decided to give it till 10.30 and as the sun came out so did the wind, not a lot, but enough to sail.The wind was coming down the lake from the south and it was decided that the start would be 5 7 then 2, 4, 5, 7 and finish 8 9. The course was adjusted as the morning progressed in line with the decreasing wind. Robin suffered a servo problem and retired after race 2. Seven races were completed and Hugh was first, John Martin second and Martin Hart third. Thanks to all for the assistance in setting the course.

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