SRCMYC/SRCMBC Web Site Guidance Rules for Contributors

  1. Web Site Address: there is a single web site which can be accessed either by “” (representing the Sailing Section) or by “” (which is the Scale Section address). The web site consists of a number of “pages” which contain information which stays the same over time (e.g. the past history of the Club and of Setley pond) and can be accessed via the menus, and many more “posts“, which are like pages, but contain information which may change with time or simply go out of date or be replaced by newer material.
  2. Logging In …web site membership: You do not have to be logged in to view any part of the site, but you do have to log in to comment or create new “posts”. Web site membership is open to all members of the Sailing and Scale Sections of the Club who have a valid email address. It is not open to members of the public. To request a login password please email the site administrator at “”.
  3. What you will be called (!): Web Site Members will be assigned user names based on their real name. They can choose a nick-name to be displayed on the web site but they should not choose a name designed to hide their identity. The Editors may refuse to publish posts if the author can not be readily identified by other Club members.
  4. What Members Can Do: Club Members will be registered as “Photo Contributors” with the ability to submit comments or posts  (which may or may not contain photos) for publication.  Once approved for publication by an Editor the post will appear on the web site. The Contributor may still edit the post provided they are the posts author.  At least one Editor” will be appointed for each section of the Club.  Only the Editors are able to edit and publish the submitted comments, posts, and new pages on the web site.  The web site also has a single Administrator on behalf of both Sections of the Club. The Administrator can register new web site users.
  5. Comments and Posts: Any logged in member can submit a comment or create and submit a new post. All comments and posts must be approved by an Editor before publication. This process is mainly to ensure that the item is published under the correct category (Sailing News, Scale News, Sailing Adverts, etc.) and correctly indexed. However items which, in the opinion of the Editors, are not relevant to the Club, which are considered likely to cause offence to other members or to members of the public, or which contravene the law, will not be published. All posts must conform to the Club’s Privacy Policy particularly with regard to safe-guarding of Personal Information. Any decision not to publish is at the discretion of the Editors, however they will inform the Club Officials should such an incident occur.  If a person leaves the Club their published posts will remain on the web site.
  6. Adverts and Commercial Links: In general, commercial advertising will not be published. The categories “Scale Section Adverts” and “Sailing Section Adverts” are provided for members’ genuine, non-commercial, model boat related sales. Members with Model Boat related businesses may place a post in the appropriate “Links” category provided their involvement with the business is declared.
  7. Creating Web Site Pages:Pages” differ from “Posts” in that they have a permanent location on the web site and are accessed through one of the menus. “Posts” initially appear on the front screen for a category (Sailing News, Scale News, Sailing Adverts, etc.) but then move to back screens as more posts are made. Thus older posts remain on the site and can be found by searching the “Archives” but disappear from immediate view. Only Editors can directly create and publish Pages. Members should consult an Editor if they wish to submit a page (perhaps for example about some aspect of Club History). If required, Posts can be converted to pages by the Editors using a copy and paste technique.
  8. General: these Guidance Rules may be revised or updated as found necessary, or as requested by the Club Committees.