● The minimum number of boats in a race to record a score is 3.
● The minimum number of races achieved during a day to qualify for a series entry is 3.
● The minimum number of races to comprise a series is 3.
● Races shall start at 1015, and no race shall start after 1215. (Agreed at AGM)
● If there are no finishers by 1230 then the race shall be shortened. Boats will be finished / scored according to their position on the water at 12:30. Positions shall be assessed by Class Captain.
Scoring Daily Races
● For daily races, the Low Point Scoring system shall be used as specified in RRS Appendix A4,
modified by the MYA Standard Sailing Instructions para. 8, Scoring.
● Quote 8.04: “For excluded scores in single heat events, discards after 4,8,16 races and so on.”
● Skippers may be required to act as Race Officer/Observers and standout. Note: maximum
number of boats on the start line to be limited to 12, (agreed at AGM).
● Any skipper standing out to act as Race Officer/ Observer shall score their average of the day, disregarding any excluded scores.
Series Scoring
● A High Point scoring system shall be used.
● Each skipper shall score one point more than the number of other skippers he/she beats.
● The winner of the series is the skipper with the highest number of points.
● The number of races to be scored in a series is calculated by the formula ((N/2) +1) where N is the number of races achieved. e.g 6 races achieved = 4 to count. 7 races achieved = 5 to count.