IOM Winter Race 11, 20th Feb 2024

IOM win 23 4 race 11


Bit of a dismal morning at the pond today. Very overcast and grey, with at times a very fine rain. Apart from that we had a moderate southerly breeze that increased, as forecast, through the morning giving the boats a few thrills and spills on the runs and reaches. There were, though, a few holes in the wind, especially under the near bank where it was possible to be becalmed where others elsewhere were flying.
Racing was quite tight, apart from the race leader who often escaped from the pack. In a race that Robin won, he was so far clear that he would have had sufficient time to make himself a cup of coffee while waiting for the rest of the fleet to finish!
As it often is at Setley, consistency prevailed with John M just pipping John B to win the day with Hugh just sneaking into 3rd place.
Amazing incident of the day, Mike accidentally sailed into the trees and instead of getting caught up, he bounced off!! Never seen that happen before.

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