Author: Site Admin

Navy Day 2010

Navy Day on the 27th June 2010 produced an impressive display of highly detailed warship models ashore and on the water,...

Knightwood School Fete

On Saturday 12th June 2010 David McNair-Taylor set up a small display at Knightwood School Summer Fete in Chandlers Ford in...

Spring 2010

In Memoriam: Arthur Lord – Invitation to Eastleigh & District Model Boat Club Open Day – Invitation to 1st International Model...

Highcliffe Show 2010

The Club’s Annual Exhibition took place in the Methodist Hall, Lymington Road, Highcliffe on Saturday 13th March in collaboration with the...

Winter 2010

More Model Shop Discounts – Boxing Day Regatta – Hints and Tips: The Workshop (Ponderer) – Hints and Tips: More Wires...


Boxing Day 2009

The Boxing Day event at Setley Pond organised by the Royal Lymington Yacht Club for about the last 50 years! Its...

Christmas Lunch 2009

The 2009 Christmas Lunch was held at the South Lawn Hotel, Milford-on-Sea, on 12th December. An excellent time was had by all. The raffle raised...

Autumn 2009

Shop Discounts – August Steering Competition –  40Mhz Frequency Table –  Setley Pond Calendar 2010 –  Possible visit to Boscombe Down...