Category: Scale Section Newsletters

Winter 2013

Editorial: Never Predict Drought! (includes “Throw-bag” instructions) – Summary of Risk Assessment Satement – Requests for Information: Ramp Powered Lighter (Nick...

Autumn 2012

Editorial: Another year, another calendar! – Feature Article: Mooring and Berthing Tug “Wyeforce”: continued (Ken Gould) – Feature Article: HMS Ark...

Summer 2012

Congratulations to David and Lucy – Editorial: when will the rain stop? – Feature Article:Mooring and Berthing Tug “Wyeforce” (Ken Gould)...

Spring 2012

Editorial: will the monsoon rains fail again this year? – Recent Events: – My Boats Bigger than Yours! (Andy Griggs and...

Winter 2012

In Memoriam: Peter Soffe – Editorial: Times pass and Times Past (including measuring rain) – Feature Article: Rope Making Machine (Paul...

Autumn 2011

Feature Article: How Deep is the Pond? (Peter Taylor) –  Photo Feature: Club Charity Events – Steering Competition for the Solent Cup...

Summer 2011

In Memoriam: Erik Kirk and Phillip Davis – Editorial: Don’t Believe all you see! – Feature Article: So where does all...

Spring 2011

In Memoriam: John Sherwood – Editorial: Look Mum I’m on the Web! – Draft Minutes of the 2011 Club AGM –...

Winter 2011

Editorial: Setley Pond bird photos – Hints and Tips: Sail Control on Square-Riggers (David Edwards and Reg Radley) – Club AGM:...

Autumn 2010

Featured Article: Gibralter Experience (Peter Briant) –  Hints and Tips: Why isn’t my boat in the Calendar! (Peter Taylor) –  Pictures...