Club and Pond History – new web pages

New Sections have been added to the new Club web site detailing the history of the Club and the origins of Setley Pond. You can find them under “SRCMYC/SRCMBC” on the left hand end of the top menu bar. For each section the left hand menu can then be used to explore the subject in more detail (you may have to expand the menu on an iPad or other tablet computer – use the blue arrows)
The Club History pages cover the formation of the New Forest Model Yacht Club in the 1970’s and its move to the Ringwood area which led to the formation of the Solent Radio Controlled Model Yacht Club to continue yacht racing at Setley Pond. Subsequently a Scale Section was formed and the two parts of the Club evolved to what we see today.
The pond history section describes the growth of the Setley gravel pit until, following World War 2, a pond was created and modified to make it suitable for model yacht racing. Information on the depth of the pond and how it varies is based on an echo sounder survey as well as wading in the pond by yours truly!
Some of you will know much more about Club History and, indeed, about Setley Pond and how it has changed over the years. If there are things you can add, or bits I’ve got wrong, please email me!
Peter Taylor (Site Admin: )