Pond Road WAS Closed for Repair!
Monday 21st May 2018: We have just received this email from the Forestry Commission. Setley car park is now closed for the works to be done. There is NO ACCESS until it has settled. The Forestry Commission will notify the opening date.
Forestry Commission email: Further to my previous message it has transpired that we now have access to a grader this week meaning further works can be completed sooner. The car park will be closed again now and we expect to reopen at the end of this working week. As the work will be taking place over the next couple of days we request please that keyholders do not use the car park during this time to allow the works to be carried out safely and the surface to settle. I will keep you informed of the opening date.
N.B. Access to the pond by parking on Jealous Lane is strictly forbidden.