13th May Update: Car Park still closed
Update 13th May:
I have just had a call back from the Forestry Commission to tell me that in order to protect vulnerable wildlife on the site, Setley Pond Car Park is closed until 30th June. Sorry about that, I will keep following up with the Forestry Commission. David.
Hi Folks, Just a quick update to let you know that I am very sorry to say that we still have no info when we can resume club meetings at Setley Pond. So you will still need to be working on your DIY and your model building. It is a pity that we have missed the great sailing weather over the past few weeks.
Here is latest info I have from the Forestry Commision as at 20th April:-
Forest car parks and visitor facilities remain closed
Thanks to all those who are staying home this weekend.
Government restrictions are to stay local when exercising and use open spaces near your home where possible – do not travel unnecessarily. This will help stop the spread of Coronavirus and save lives. Forest car parks and visitor facilities remain closed until we can safely explore the National Park again.
I will post another update when I have more news. Stay home,protect the NHS and Save lives.