Secure Web Site Access (https)

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The Solent Radio Controlled Model Yacht Club web site for both the Sailing and Scale sections can now be accessed securely. The main advantage is to stop your browser warning that the site is “not secure”. It also improves our standing with “Google” and other search engines.

For the Scale Section: using an address of the form:,, or simply should allow you secure access to the web site. Note however that if you enter via an “internet shortcut”, “favorite”, or “bookmark” which has been set to an old address starting “http” instead of “https” then you will probably continue to use an insecure connection, at least until the first time you have accessed the site through one of the “https” addresses shown above.

For the Sailing Section (Yacht Racing): unfortunately will give you an error saying that a secure connection cannot be made. However, using simply , or will give you a secure connection to the club web site (which is labelled “” because the club web site was owned by the Scale Section when it was first set up).

(post graphic: Fabio Lanari / CC BY-SA)

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