Pond Rules Reminder!

With regard to our Permit to use the Pond from Forestry England please note the following Rules:
- Access is now permitted from 07.00 to 19.00
- The Rule of 12 remains in place i.e. maximum of 12 boats on the water at any one time.
- No additional structures or buoys can be placed in the Pond
- All Vehicles to be parked in designated car parks
- Please drive slowly to preserve the road
- Anything brought with you take home
- No smoking or lighting of fires
- All members to carry some form of medicine box (a lot of cars come with one, if not a small First Aid Kit is available from most chemists).
- Forestry England will be monitoring the use of the Pond from time to time.
- New Information signs have been put up please have a quick read.
Committee Members will have a copy of the Permit in their cars when visiting the Pond in case we are asked for proof of use – please refer any such contact to a member of the Committee.