Highcliffe Exhibition, NEW 2017 VENUE

Following the discussion and members vote at the Scale AGM we have decided to relocate the March Highlife Exhibition.
We have spent some time looking for an alternative venue.
We have now booked and arranged to hold the event on Saturday 25th March 2017 at the “Highcliffe Sports and Social Club” on Lymington Road, Highcliffe, which is on the left just past the traffic lights as you come into the village from Lymington direction, there is a small parking area with room to unload BUT after unloading you will still have to move your car as before.
The hall has a lot more space than the Methodist Hall, a full food menu and refreshments (sample attached) will be available all day at very reasonable prices. Everything will be located in the one main hall, refreshments, membership renewal and club clothing for sale!
The local branch of the RNLI will be in attendance with their souvenir stall!
Further details will follow nearer the time.