Fijicicle Trophy

Fijicicle TrophyEarly in 1994 the club was asked by Mr Brian Wiles of the Sedgemoor club to host a One Metre class meeting for the benefit of Mr Mark Steele, Regional Director of the Fiji Visitors Bureau in Auckland, New Zealand, who was on a part business, part pleasure, visit to this country. The One Metre class was requested because of its popularity in New Zealand and its combined promotion with Fiji tourism by Mr Steele.

Sunday 13th of February 1994 was the date selected which turned out to be an extremely cold but dry day with a good wind. Twenty-three yachts competed. Mr Steele was loaned a boat for the day by one of our members and managed to sail it into last place in every race. Nevertheless the day was a great success, so much so that in 1995 Mr Steele gifted a trophy to the club, together with a medal for the winner to keep, and requested that it be used for an annual event to be known as the “Fijicicle” meeting – a humorous reference to the conditions during the event.

The trophy is an outright gift to the club and is the property of the Solent club. The 1994 meeting winner is included in the winners list for interest only, 1995 was the first year for the Fijicicle trophy.

From 1995 ongoing:  IOM Day Event Trophy, to be programmed for a cold day in February!

Year Winner Year Winner Year Winner
1994 (P.Wiles) 1995 P.Wiles 1996 G.Maguire
1997 K.Binks 1998 D.Wilkinson 1999 I.Copsey
2000 I.Copsey 2001 (not awarded) 2002 M.Houlton
2003 K.Tyson 2004 ? 2005 ?
2006 Martin Houlton 2007 Bob Hoare 2008 Bob Hoare
2009 Peter Dawson 2010 Robin Clabburn 2011 Martin Houlton
2012 ? 2013 Martin Houlton 2014 Robin Clabburn
2015 2016  John Tufnall 2017  John Tufnall
2018  Jim MacGregor 2019  John Martin 2020  John Martin
2021  John Bennett 2022 John Martin 2023  Hugh Bates
2024   John Bennett 2025   2026  

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