Fine weather for Navy Day
This year’s Navy Day was held on Sunday 28th May 2017. We had an excellent day, the weather was very kind to us with only a little wind, ideal conditions for the Warships. There was a good display of models by the members, all of a very high standard. We started the Sailing Sessions by 9.45 am and continued right up to 12.30. Also we had a good number of the general public along to watch and look at the models.
The main drama of the day was the rescue of Richard Coombs’ model of HMS Roberts which I rescued by getting into my Best Waders in record time, and wading out to number six buoy with a large pole. I was ably assisted by Dave Reith and was given a round of applause by the members and onlookers. The model was retrieved in several parts but can be fully repaired.
A big thank you to everyone who helped setting up and packing up , and to everyone who came along support the event and to display and sail their models.
Photos by Graham Coombs: