Milford Model Boat Show 2019
Scale Captain David McNair-Taylor writes:
Just a quick note to thank you all for your contribution to the exhibition yesterday. We had a great show with lots of public interest/visitors.
Special thanks to Mike Beard and his son-in-law Kevin for providing transport and help with the tables and exhibition materials; to all who helped set up and take down the exhibition; to Andrea Reith, Penny Coombs, and my wife Lucy for their sterling efforts with the refreshments; to Arthur Shannon, Dave Murray, Ken Dyer and Dennis New for manning the door; and last, but not least, Pat Chapman for manning the club stand for Calendars ,Badges etc . (and apologies for anyone I have missed). A great team effort.
Once again many thanks, David
Below are some photos of people attending the Show; James Forrester has photographed most of the boats displayed at the show. For ease of viewing his photographs of the exhibits have been split into three separate albums (see the links below).
[Milford Show (this post) ] [Jim Forrester Album 1] [Jim Forrester Album 2] [Jim Forrester Album 3]