Category: Boxing Day at Setley Pond

Important: You are viewing a list of all the current and past posts in the Boxing Day at Setley Pond category. Please view “Boxing Day at Setley Pond” in our section of pages “About Setley Pond” – Thanks!

Setley Cup

Boxing Day Event 2021

  SRCMYC/SRCMBC members should be aware that Lymington Sailing Club are putting on their usual Boxing Day children’s boating event and...


Boxing Day 2012

The Boxing Day 2012 free sailing regatta organised by the Royal Lymington Yacht Club.  You could read about the 2012 event on the Yachts...


Boxing Day 2011

The Boxing Day 2011 staging of the races for the Setley Cup organised by the Royal Lymington Yacht Club, a traditional...