Report Web Site Problems

Web Master fails again
Please use the Reply Form (at the bottom of the full version of this post) to report anything on the Web Site that appears not to be working properly. Otherwise, if you prefer you can email me at
Thanks, Peter Taylor (Site Admin).
Viewing large Gallery photos: When viewing an enlarged (“lightbox”) version of a photo from a gallery the forward and back arrows disappear behind the photo on smaller screen sizes. you can go forward to the next photo by clicking on the image but you can’t go back to the previous one.
We might be stuck with this I’m afraid! The part of the web site which creates the Galleries also organises the photos. That makes it difficult to swap to a different gallery system.
Old Bookmarks fail: A Club Member has reported that his bookmarks (“short cuts”) either give a “page not found” or take him to the old web site. This is bound to happen I’m afraid! Please delete your old bookmarks and/or reset them to pages on the new site.
Pete, on the members gallery you Have Cliff Newel name down as Chris
Thanks for that Dave, as you can imagine I’ve lots of web pages to set up on our new web site and can’t check everything thoroughly. It’s really useful when Club members find problems and let me know. Not sure how Cliff got renamed, now corrected!