Milford Show – Scale Captain’s Thanks

Photo: Peter Taylor
From Scale Captain David McNair-Taylor:
“Hi Folks, First of all a big thank you to everyone who contributed to yesterday model show , an excellent display and enjoyable show. Pity we were competing against other events but that is the problem with summer events in this area and also Bournemouth council moving the air display back a week!!
“A Special Thank You to Andrea Reith, Penny Coombs, Julia Frost and Anne Rolf for doing such a fantastic job with the refreshments ,Lorna and Andrew Soffe for running the raffle,tombola and clothes stall, Arthur Shannon, Tug Wilson, David Hardy and Dennis New for manning the door; Graham Coombs, Dave Reith, John Wills, Jacob Roth and Paul Nixon for the help in setting up and general “dogs body” duties etc., Peter Taylor for his PC display and Brian Rapley for the loan of his Fairground Organ. (If I have forgotten anyone I apologise.) Team Work at its Best, Many Many Thanks to All.
“A big thank you to everyone who helped dismantle, pack, and clear up at the end; I managed to get the van unloaded in the rain this morning and everything is sorted and repacked ready for the next show.
“My Very Best Regards and Thanks, David”
View photos of the Show: [from Jim Forrester]; [from Peter Taylor]; more photos to come!
I think we all owe you the biggest thanks. Thank you.