IOM Winter Race 04, 27th Dec. 2022
A great day for IOM sailing today. It was warmish for December, we had sun shine, although it was so bright we had trouble finding buoy 1 through the glare early on and we had a good southerly breeze.
The breeze came in fits and starts and gradually built through the morning. We got through the first 4 races in 30 minutes. Following JT’s advice the course was lengthened, however being so in the groove leading the ensuing race JT sailed the old course! Not fast, though that was one of the few things he got wrong all morning, he won 6 of the 11 races.
As the morning continued, the number of broaches and nose dives increased, and by the time we stopped at 12:15, the pond turned a very dark windy colour and I for one was grateful to be able to pack my boat away.
Congratulations to John T for winning the day, followed by John M and John Be.