IOM Summer Race 12, 22 Aug 2023
IOM Summer race 12
Great sailing at the pond today. Warm, sunshine and a gentle sourthwesterly, well some of the time!. It had to be warm and sunny because Derek came out for a sail – good to have you out on the water Derek.
Hugh started off with a direct line to the clouds, wherever he went he seemed find pressure to take him to the front of the fleet to win the first two races, it looked ominous for the rest of us, however the luck factor moved on to John M who could hardly put a foot wrong in the rest of the races,
A comment from a horse rider seeing the picturesque scenario of the pretty white sailed boats bobbing around in the sunshine of “that looks a relaxing way to spend the morning”, did not understand the frustrations for Hugh losing a leg lead wallowining in nothing while the chasing pack came down with the wind.
To be fair, the wind increased a little and steadied its direction at 11:30 and the sailing became less random. By the time we came off the water at 12:30 the wind had increased to almost B rig.
Congrats to John M winning the day with Hugh second and John B third.
Looking at the series results, there are two points covering the top four boats going into the last race of the season – all to play for next week!