IOM Winter Race 02, 12 Dec 2023
IOM win 23 4 race 02
Welcome to Setley on Sea, the tide is coming in and has now flooded the car park, with the present rain the tide could well get higher!! We have often said that there is a breeze in the car park and none on the pond, well soon we will be able to sail in the car park

The weather today can only be described as “changeable”. The rain storm I met driving to the pond was horrendous, very wet, windy and with thunder and lighting. On arriving at the pond the rain stopped and the sun came out with a moderate southerly blowing down the pond – it looked idyllic. However as we approached start time the wind moderated, though still sufficient. As the morning progressed, we had everything, sun, hail, heavy rain, thunder, lightning, flat calm and a Setley gale. I did offer to abandon racing when the hail storm came through at 11:30, however the intrepid skippers voted to continue.
As far as the racing went, I couldn’t do a thing right and was tempted to lose the result sheet on the way home. As it was, congrats to John T who won the last races to win the day from John B and Martin.
I will try to organise wall to wall sunshine for next week when we will also be holding the Jobbo Round the Cans Trophy. See you then.