Author: Site Admin

Xmas Lunch 2014

Around 48 members and guests enjoyed the Scale Section Christmas Lunch at the South Lawns Hotel, Milford-on-Sea, on Saturday 13th December...

Autumn 2014

Editorial: The 2015 Club Calendar – Feature article: Building and motorising a Plastic kit of the USS Hornet: Part 2 (David...

Solent Cup 2014

The steering competition for the Solent Cup, held on Sunday 7th September 2014, was won by Alan Ovenden. The photos show...

2014 Milford Show

With over 80 models on display, a fair-ground organ, 3D printing and sound unit demos, videos and slide shows, teas and...

Richard Graham Trophy

The steering competition, held on Sunday 20th July 2014, was won by Scale Captain David McNair-Taylor. Lorna presented David with the...

Navy Day 2014

Held on the 6th July 2014, Navy Day included some unexpected drama when the Air Ambulance landed at the side of...