Author: Site Admin

Battle of Trafalgar (1)

Portsmouth Model Ship Weekend (27th and 28th September 2008) in the Historic Dockyard celebrating 250 years since Nelson’s birth. A re-enactment...

Movie: Atlantic Convoy

Atlantic Convoy

Portsmouth Model Ship Weekend (27th and 28th September 2008) in the Historic Dockyard celebrating 250 years since Nelson’s birth. A re-enactment...

Portsmouth Model Ships 2008

Portsmouth Model Ship Weekend (27th and 28th September 2008) in the Historic Dockyard celebrating 250 years since Nelson’s birth. David McNair-Taylor...

Autumn 2008

New SRCMBC Hovercraft Rules  –  Hints and Tips:A Versatile Marine Engine Sound Unit (from Alan Bond): a more detailed version of...

Portsmouth Navy Day 2008

David Reith and David McNair Taylor took part in “Meet Your Navy ” week-end in Portsmouth historic dockyard as members of...

30th Anniversay BBQ

The Club’s 30th anniversary BBQ and Club Day took place at Setley Pond on Sunday, 13th July 2008. The Harbour was...

Summer 2008

New Navigation Rules – Christmas Lunch Arrangements – News: Don Scott’s Ventura features in the Daily Echo – Hints and Tips:...

Richard Graham Trophy

The Steering Competition for the Richard Graham Trophy took place on Sunday, 1st June, 2008. As usual John Frost had designed...